The Pro's & Con's Of Being A 'Beauty Blogger'

 [Image soure: WeHeartIt (edited)]

I thought it would be an absolutely spiffing idea to throw together some Pro's and Con's of blogging. If you're thinking of starting a blog then prepare for these things to happen to you over the course of a few months - and if you're a fellow beauty blogger, then I'm sure you'll relate to a few of my points here..

Pro's of being a Beauty Blogger -

Christmas & Birthdays: You know when Christmas is lurking around corner and you get people whining about the fact that they 'haven't got a clue what to get you? Not any more. Rest assured you have a word document saved to your desktop entitled 'wishlist' about 10 pages long (in categories) that you can whack through the printer for them in an instant. People will never be stuck for gifts for you. And birthday's and Christmas means lots of new products to get your bloggery mitts into!

"What are your hobbies?": When that awkward question comes up in interviews or in general conversation and people ask 'what are your hobbies?' - you will never ever have to rack your brains to think of something impressive or clever to say ever again.

Personal development: It will make you more observant, more imaginative and more creative - and it will improve your writing skills without you even realising it. It might even improve your confidence. 

Fabulous Friends: You will make some wonderful new friends and getting comments to your email inbox makes you smile every single day. The social side of blogging is fabulous, and it's one of my favourite things about writing my blog.

Opportunities: If you're serious enough it may eventually lead some fabulous opportunities.

Finding new things: You will discover new things that you never would have looked twice at before. I've found 'holy grail' products i never would have found before, and I now have a better understanding of what works for me and my skin tone and what doesn't. Beauty blogging brings out the best of you in all sorts of ways.

It looks great on your CV: It shows that you're developing your skills even outside of work and that you're not just sitting on your backside watching back to back episodes of Jeremy Kyle on your day off. You need to be focused and quite self-motivated to write a blog. If you have passion for something then why not share it? By including it in your CV you're throwing something different into the mix, and it will hopefully help you stand out against the other people who all scribbled 'socialising' in the hobbies section...

Reflection: It's something that will change your life for the better. It gives you something to focus on if you're ever having a bad time of things. And it's a great way to reflect - you are unknowingly writing a little diary of your thoughts every time you click that 'publish' button.

Cons of Being a Beauty Blogger -

Your bathroom cabinet... You WILL run out of space. That bathroom cabinet of yours is going to get full up pretty quickly. Say hello to baskets of overflowing beauty goods on your bedroom floor. Ever since I've started blogging, my make-up collection has grown profusely - I have had to invest in a set of small drawers just to house my stash (and the lipstick drawer refuses to close because it is so crammed full!)

You have to think about everything: You can't use anything until you've photographed it. And you can't put away any of those shirts you've just bought from Primark until you've taken photos for a 'Primark Haul'. Sorry...

Spare Fivers.. That spare fiver in your purse? Yeh... good luck with that on passing the make-up counter in Boots. BANG goes your meal deal - say hello to a new nail polish and a rather hungry tummy for your lunch-break!

Your Bank Balance: Which brings me on to the fact that blogging about all things beauty will cost you money - whether you intend it to or not. The beauty blogger in you will want to try everything on the shop shelves - your bank balance is bound to take a bit of a bashing. Or maybe I just need a big dose of willpower?

Temptation: The word 'NEW' written across a product means you just have to buy it. And review it. Like, right now.

Messy hands: Your hands are now a blank canvas for SWATCHING. You will want to swatch everything. Looking at something in a pot or tube just doesn't cut the mustard anymore.. and when it isn't possible to swatch a product, you will Google it to view somebody else's anyway. Prepare for the word 'swatch' to become a large part of your vocabulary!

You'll realise that people just aren't bothered about beauty on the same level as you. I was in Primark the other day and got rather enthusiastic about the poor sale's assistants eyeshadow.. I asked her what it was and she looked at me bewildered. If anyone asks me about what make-up or nail polish I'm wearing - I guartuntee you I will spit the brand, colour name and number (all crucial info) at you quicker than Nicki Minaj on fast-forward.

What are your Pro's & Con's of being a beauty blogger?

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