Bach Rescue Remedy | A Natural Remedy for Panic Attacks/Anxiety

I've mentioned on my blog in the past about my struggle dealing with panic attacks and it's something i've been quite open about (if this is an issue that concerns you and you want to know more about this then you can read my previous post on the subject here). I've tried everything and anything to try and get rid of them, and i've come to learn that nothing is ever going to take them away completely, but there are ways that you can help yourself to gain a more 'calm' state of mind. Bach Rescue Remedy is something I always keep in my bag and in my locker at work - I wouldn't say I use it regularly but it's always there if and when I should need it.

'Rescue® Remedy has been used successfully on stressful days where we suffer from impatience, tension and pressure. It has also been used successfully with children to stop a tantrum, before a speech or job interview. Rescue® Remedy helps us relax, get focused and get the needed calmness.'

I'm not going to pull the wool over your eyes and tell you this is the most amazing thing I've ever tried and that it takes away all feelings of panic - it doesn't. But it seems to help turn down the level of anxiety to a more manageable one.  The product is completely natural, and uses extracts from plants and flowers that have been known to be herbal remedies for all forms of stress and anxiety. I must admit I've always been slightly sceptical about whether things like this actually work - I'm the first person to pop a Nurofen when I have a headache - but I do seem to notice a slight difference to my anxiety levels when I use this. It's impossible to tell if this is purely a psychological process but if it makes me feel better by taking it, then I'll take it! Sometimes it doesn't work and sometimes it does. I really think it's down to when you take it and how bad the feelings actually are - it's a very personal thing but believe me, I wouldn't waste my money buying into it again if I didn't feel like it did something.

You can use Rescue Remedy in 2 different ways - it comes with a little pipette so you simply gather the liquid in the tube and either squeeze around 4 drops directly onto the tongue, or alternatively, you can pop a similar amount into your bottle of water to sip through the day. Personally, I prefer to just drop the liquid directly on the tongue as I find the smell/taste of the liquid quite calming (ohhhh goodness I sound like a nutter don't I?) If i wake up one day and feel a little bit 'wobbly' (usually if I know I have some form of test or stressful day up ahead) then I'll take it straight away. If you use it once the panic attack has gripped you then it isn't going to work - you have to recognise the underlying feelings of unease when they arise and begin to take it at that moment. I don't just use this for the sole purpose of trying to control my panic attacks - even if you don't suffer with them and are just a natural worrier then this could be the little boost you need. For example, I get quite stressed at work sometimes - if I'm having a bad day and customers are just getting on top of me, I'll put some in my drink and sip it throughout the rest of my shift. I'll use it before a flight, before a test or a meeting, or general situations where I know I'll be more likely to suffer from a panic attack.

You can pick this up in Boots for around £7 - and it also comes in a handy spray bottle and a tin of pastilles containing the same remedy. I personally find the liquid works better for me.

Have you ever tried the Rescue Remedies for panic attacks? What were your thoughts on it?

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