Fantasy Shopper | Shopping Inspiration

As a bit of a self-confessed shopaholic, I'm constantly looking online and taking inspiration for new outfits and eyeing up key pieces for the season. I regularly online shop, and spend many an evening trawling the shops for the right thing to buy - sometimes I have something specific in mind and it can take me ages to find the right item. So, I thought i'd let you all know of this wonderous little tool that might just become an asset to your online shopping habits. Fantasy Shopper is a fashion and style website which allows you to build up a 'wardrobe' of your most wanted items and pieces on your wishlist. If you're after something specific you can type a word into the search bar and it will bring up hundreds of pieces from a large list of shops - this list can be narrowed down further using the drop-down menus on the sidebar which is really handy if you have something you're searching for that you've seen in a particular shop or if you're after a certain colour. You can simply click a little button to add the item to your online wardrobe to save for future inspiration, or click to find out more information and link to that item's website to make a sneaky purchase... This fabulous little online closet can also be sorted into categories - which i find rather satisfying (i like my real wardobe to be organised so i'm not about to let my online one slip, am i? ;)).

What I love about this website, is that it allows you to view items from shops you would never have thought twice about looking in before - I have pieces in my online 'wardrobe/wishlist' that I never would have found before. It just gives you a wider perspective of whats out there, and if you're after a quick online shopping fix, it saves you the time of looking through individual websites.  I must admit, I use this more for inspiration more than the actual shopping side of things at the moment; i just find it more useful for collecting images and gathering ideas for outfits with items that are actually available to buy (as much as I love Pinterest..sometimes i get a little disheartened when I can't find a similar outfit anywhere!). There's so many different things to explore on here - it has been recently launched so I keep finding new things that have been added - you can follow people and add your friends to give you feedback on outfits and give you help if your struggling to find something. All in all I just find it a little bit addictive! There's a really fun side to the website too which allows you to unlock badges and challenge yourself a little bit - it also totals up how much you've 'spent'. Put it this way, if i'd actually bought everything i've added to my online wardrobe I would be a few thousand pounds poorer ;) It puts a little twist on the whole idea of 'online shopping' and if you fancy having a nosey then hop on over, and do let me know if you sign up - I will hop on over and follow you!

Have you tried Fantasy Shopper? Is this something you would use? 

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