Chanel Injection | Soleil Tan De Chanel

Chanel | Soleil Tan De Chanel | £30 [link]

I know. I know. I finally cracked. It's taken me well over a year now to get to this stage, but after my beloved Nars Laguna started to show signs of running out (a terrible moment in one's life i'm sure you'll all agree), I decided to just grab the bull by the horns, and treat myself to Chanel's infamous Bronze Universal - Soleil Tan De Chanel. I've wanted this ever since I first heard about it, and never quite been able to justify such a splurge. However, my lovely colleagues at work treated me to some vouchers for my 22nd birthday earlier this year (they are all aware of my love for beauty products) so i decided to spend them on a luxury item that I wouldn't usually buy on a day to day basis. I ended up at the Chanel counter...

The lovely young lady at the counter explained how to use it - either as a bronzing base buffed in with a kabuki brush, or used as a contour with a flat foundation brush. I really can't wait to start using this (although I feel slightly sad about having to ruin the perfect whipped finish on the top - anyone else feel a bit sad when this happens?!) and i'll be doing a follow up post/review once i've had a fair bit of use out of it. In the meantime, i'm sure it will look beautiful sat on my dressing table - there's no way this little beauty is getting shoved in a drawer!


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