Bird's Words Birthday! | My First Year of Blogging

1. Source - WeHeartIt (Edited) / 2. Writing Bird's Words - taken from the 'Blogging Love Tag' here

This month marks my blog's first 'birthday' - cue mega cheesy post filled with lots of cliches and predictable rambles! Cliche or not, I really can't believe how much my little slice of the interwebs has become one of the main parts of my life and one that has had such a positive effect on me as a person. As well as being a hobby, i've been introduced to a fabulous online community of lovely people and had the oppurtunity to discover more about something that interests me and share it with you all along the way.

I sometimes look back at my old posts and think how much my little blog has changed - I often wonder whether to delete some of my older ones as I didn't have a clue about how best to set out a post, how much to write or where or when to get the best out of my photographs - but at the end of the day, those first posts have played a part in the growth of my blog and were a learning curve for how I run it now. I see this blog as part of my future - I have goals and aims to achieve with it and it's something I can be proud of. Some people will always roll their eyes when you tell them you write a blog about beauty, but most people are keen to find out more about it - it's actually a really good thing to pop on your CV too. 

I've actually shocked myself as to how nifty I can be with a computer and the odd bit of HTML (oof, getting all technical on yous now). I can't explain to you how many times i've sat trawling the internet for 'how to's' and advice on technical riff-raff! A lot of time and effort has gone into Bird's Words and even though I haven't got it exactly how I want it, it's starting to look like how I imagined it to look when I first started it and i've learnt a hell of a lot about blog design in the process. 
I never imagined I would get so much out of blogging - from getting to know you all on Twitter, discovering new brands I never would have tried before, having the oppurtunity to sample beauty products and review them, and above all it's also been a good way of keeping my little brain in gear. I've always loved writing but I find words come much more easily to me now (it's made essay writing a little bit easier at uni!) If i ever have a down day - I often snuggle up with a cup of tea and read through my blog list - It's like having a whole bunch of really good friends at the click of a button and I guess i'd just like to take this as an excuse to thank all of my wonderful followers, old and new. It makes my day to see somebody has taken time out of their day to comment, email or tweet me, and above all, somebody wants to read what i've written.

Thankyou every single one of you

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