A Few New Clothes & Accessories...

Headbands - Primark
Studded Ballet Pumps - New Look
Bikini - River Island
Nyx Nail Polish - River Island

I love little headbands like these for summertime as they're great to dress up a simple up-do when the weather is a warmer and you just need to get your barnet out of your face, or too add a bit of cute-ness to a particularly 'standard' outfit. The Nyx polish was of course an impulse buy at the till (River Island always do this to me at the tills..as do Toppyshoppy) - i've been loving blue nails at the moment so i thought this would look lovely over Models Own 'Balearic Cool' (seen here - its my current favourite shade and i'm addicted..) The bikini (blue , of course - my most favourite-ist colour right now) is for my potential summer holiday. I've been after a decent pair of ballet pumps for ages and was extremely chuffed to see these beauts in New Look - just a little bit more interesting than yer average Primark cheapys! They also have a teeny-tiny little wedge so they aren't completely flat.

Denim Playsuit - Miss Selfridge (sale)
Puffball Skirt - River Island
Lace Chiffon Dress - A boutique near me, but it's by the brand 'Glamorous' and they also stock at Ark.

This playsuit was BARGAIN-OUS to say the least. I grabbed it in Debenhams with their 25% off event, and it was already in the sale for £12 - so i ended up getting it for around £9.50 - i just love the little pockets and lightwashed denim looks great in summer. The puffball skirt was an impluse buy and although its more of a winter piece i quite liked it - it's very 'puffy' when on though so i reckon it would be for a night out rather than an average day at uni! I love the fabric - in some lights it looks leather-y and it's quite a statement piece without being too over the top. And i was so happy to find the little yellow dress; yellow just looks amazing with a deep summer tan and i'll be wearing this on my jolly holidays.

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